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2014 Slideshow

Additional Albums

Our shared albums are stored on Picasa Web Albums. The albums include:

There are also albums for individual events (e.g., specific races, fun sails, etc.). You can see all the albums by clicking on the link below:

If you have photos you'd like to share, please upload them to one of the existing albums (or create a new album) on Picasa Web Albums. You can login to Picasa using the credentials on the Passwords page.


Here are links to highlight videos from some of our races:

The highlight videos have links to specific events (tacks, spinnaker hoists, jibes, and douses) within the videos. Once you're on a YouTube page, click on the "Show more" link below the video to expand the video description, then click on the time markers for the specific events you want to watch.

Most of our videos are stored on YouTube. You can see videos taken on or after 6/4/2010 by clicking on the link below:

If you have videos you'd like to share, please upload them to our YouTube account. You can login to YouTube using the credentials on the Passwords page.

The full-length videos from our small GoPro camera are too long to store on YouTube. You can download those videos from the Videos page and view them on your computer. Note that each video may take 15+ minutes to download with a broadband connection, so you may want to ask John or other crew members for copies on a CD rather than download the videos.

Web Site Settings

Click the radio buttons below to control how the photos are displayed in the filmstrip at the top of the pages on the Northern Light web site. (You must have cookies enabled in your browser.)

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